Friday, July 26, 2013


Expressive Writing:

Theorize (Kinneavy, Britton)

Kinneavy: A Theory of Discourse (a philosophy of the aims of discourse (persuasive, self-expressive, literary, and referential)
Moffet: Teaching the Universe of Discourse (?)
Britton: Britton, J. N., Burgess, T., Martin, N., McLeod, A., & Rosen, H. (1975). The development of writing abilities (11-18). London: MacMillan Educational for the Schools Council.

Empiricism (Pennebaker)


Pennebaker's website and list of selected articles

Writing To Heal (feature story on Pennebaker)

Practice (Art of Personal Essay)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Stuff To Read

The Meaningful Writing Project

Several trends emerged from the research: The majority of students noted as meaningful writing projects that were something they had never done before but that they felt would be connected to the writing they would do as professionals. Also meaningful were writing projects that were connected to students’ lives and interests beyond school, as well as writing projects that helped them learn or explore course content more deeply. Finally, a key implication for teaching is that meaningful writing projects frequently had required elements but simultaneously offered students considerable choice in topic or approach.

A Heterotopic Space (on audio feedback)

Anne Beaufort's "College Writing and Beyond: Five Years Later"

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Importance of Being OPEN

From Talia Ghazal's mid-term Memo (ENGL 477.SU2013)

The first piece of knowledge I have gained from both the radio station and magazine is to learn and experience anything and everything at any internship or job. I was aware of this well before beginning work, but I think it sunk in after the first week of work. Looking back at my very first post, I stated how I just want to learn. Whether the knowledge I gain will benefit my future or not, it is still important that I learn from these two internships. I really want to know what it is like to work at both of these companies...” I still stand by this statement. I think any work related experience is vital if one wishes to have a successful career. And I literally mean any job experience. I did not think my work at A.T. Cross would help me get the internship at RI Monthly; little did I know that it was the reason why I was accepted at the magazine. They loved the blurbs I wrote for the pen catalogue and it was exactly what they were looking for. So because I am open to (almost) any experience, it shapes me as a writer.