Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Abilities — Written Expression

For the minor--imagine a screencast video that begins with this page...

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Professional Writing minor

Hi Everyone,

At Detroit Mercy, recently proposed a minor in Professional Writing. While
we have been approved at the college level, we have been instructed to
provide additional information with evidence that supports that such a
minor has actual "market value."

Within our proposal, we have already referenced the following:

  - Association of American Colleges & Universities. (2015). *Falling
  Short? College learning and career. *Washington. DC: Hart Research
  - Cargile Cook, K. (2002). Layered literacies: A theoretical framework
  for technical and professional communication pedagogy. *Technical
  Communication, 53*(3): 287-295.
  - The College Board. (2004). *Writing: A Ticket to Work or a Ticket Out…
  A Survey of Buisiness Leaders*. New York, NY.
  - Giordinao, C. (2011). Mid-year checkpoint: Top five trends in
  technical writing. *Techwr-l*. Retrieved from <

  - Henschel, S. & Meloncon, L. (2014). Of Horsemen and layered
  literacies: Assessment instruments for aligning technical and professional
  Communication undergraduate curricula with professional
expectations. *Programmatic
  Perspectives, 6*(1): 3-26.
  - Meloncon, L. (2012). Current overview of academic certificates in
  technical and professional communication in the United States. *Technical
  Communication, 59*(3): 207-222.
  - Rainey, K. T., & Turner, R.K. (2004). Certification in technical
  communication. *Technical Communication Quarterly, 13*(2): 211-234.

So, I'm checking in with the rest of the hive to see if anyone has
additional resources or recommendations for demonstrating market value to

Thanks much!

*Joseph Paszek, Ph.D.*

Assistant Professor of English

Director of the Writing Program

Director of the Writing Center

Briggs Bldg. 214

Phone: 313-993-1165

Dirk Remley's Business Writing Links

Good Writing Can Help You Succeed

I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why.

Business Perspective: The importance of business communication skills

BTW: Writing proficiency is assessed as part of the CPA and CMA exams [and I call attention to that in business writing classes]:

Writing is part of the "BEC" portion ("Business Environment and Concepts"-- one of the 4 'testlets').

Writing assessment is 15% of the BEC test score.

It's also assessed on the CMA exam (managerial accounting): It's 25% of the total exam score on that one.

Study: Poor Writing Skills Are Costing Businesses Billions