Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Summer Seminar Schedule


10-10:30am: Writing on the reading (perhaps posted to Bb). What struck you, what moved you, what surprised you, what bothered you, what intrigued you?
10:30-11am: Small Groups, share
11-12am: Large Group, share

12-1pm: Lunch


1-1:30: Reading


Day 1: CWB, Ch. 1
Day 2: CWB, Ch. 2
Day 3: CWB, Ch. 3/4
Day 4: CWB, Ch. 5
Day 5: CWB, Ch. 6/Epilogue

Lindemann on teaching writing

Start the week off with a PPT of my own (or Steve Graham's)--big picture about writing

Bazerman, C. (1981). "What Written Knowledge Does: Three Examples of Academic Discourse." Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11: 361-87.
Swales/Johns (WAW)
Lunsford/Lunsford (error)
Rose on blockers
Moore Howard on Plagiarism

Perhaps a time for faculty to sort of hunt, read--articles, journals, books, chapters on writing in their own discipline--helping them become resourceful about how to teach writing in their discipline and what makes their discipline unique.

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