Friday, February 27, 2015

MA in Writing Studies

Date:    Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:49:06 -0600
From:    "E.D. Woodworth" <edwoodworth@GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Announcing a new master's program in teaching writing

Dear all,

Apologies for cross-posting, but this is exciting for our university, and I
wanted to share far and wide. After several years of planning, Auburn
University at Montgomery is proud to announce a new master's degree in
teaching writing.

We are happy to add that we will be offering a course on pedagogy of basic
writing as part of the program (we have a healthy basic writing program), a
writing across the curriculum course (a university-wide program), a course
focused on professional writing, editing, and consultancy (with required
observation/participation hours in a nearby university where our program
runs a grad writing center) as well as other core classes on theory and
practical application. We are also building writing consultancy
relationships with units on our campus and local businesses. We're
delighted to work with our business and education colleges who have
collaborated with us so that our graduate students can easily choose to
take electives in those colleges.

I'm attaching a quick rundown of the program as well as information on the
application process.

This is a degree meant for someone determined to teach writing, coach
writing, or work in a writing center, or move onto a doctoral program in
writing studies. Because we believe writing is vital to any and all
disciplines, we welcome applicants from all bachelor degree programs from
accredited universities/colleges.

Besides the opportunity to teach in their second year, our students will
have the opportunity to work with our learning center and our student
success centers their first year. (We have some funding for applicants
besides teaching stipends in the second year of the program.)

Some of the electives are currently offered online, but the core of the
program is currently only offered as bricks/mortar classes. But besides the
courses in the program, we have at least 36 hours scheduled annually for
composition instructor professional development. We encourage all our
students and instructors to teach a variety of writing courses, to lead
workshops, to learn together.

Above all, we foster an open-hearted pedagogy that empowers our teachers
and students to stretch, to collaborate, to be open to change and new ways
of communicating, sharing, and creating new knowledge. We're a small
school, but we're loaded with big opportunities.

Please share this information with colleagues and students.

Thank you so much for all the ways you have supported the development of
this program. Even though you may not have known it, your thinking on these
lists, your scholarship, and conference presentations guided our work
throughout this lengthy process.

Elizabeth Woodworth

Dr. E.D. Woodworth, Honors Associate Professor
Director of Composition and Master of Teaching Writing
Department of English & Philosophy
College of Arts & Sciences
Liberal Arts 334
Auburn University at Montgomery
P.O. Box 244023
Montgomery, AL 36124
(334) 244-3376 (dept. office)

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